Day 2
Today was another busy yet fun day at Stubbington and we were fortunate to have sunshine for the second day in a row! In the morning, we all headed back to the classrooms to see if Back Fence and Murky Marsh had given us some visitors after we set up our small mammal hotels yesterday afternoon!
Feeling very excited, we carefully and quietly watched with baited breath as they were opened. Although Jemison Class sadly didn’t receive any visitors from Murky Marsh, Da Vinci Class had two lodgers in their hotels: a Yellow Necked Mouse and a sleepy Bank Vole! The Stubbington staff also found another lodger in their hotel who came to visit Jemison class, a little Long Tailed Field Mouse.
We had a lot of fun measuring them, weighing them and giving them names. After a break, we returned to sketch our new friends and label a scientific diagram. We hope our visitors will give our small mammal hotels a 5-star rating on trip advisor!
After break, each class completed two activities. One was the Amazon Adventure where we had to carry 'medicine' in a water container around an obstacle course. We had to collaborate and work together as a team so that the medicine wasn't spilled. The only catch was that the person carrying the medicine was not allowed to move! It was tricky but we really tried hard! The second part was completing a rope course but blindfolded! Lots of us found the loss of our sight tricky, although this did not dampen our enthusiasm! We had to climb and crawl around as a team, following the rope with a hand and checking for obstacles with the other. This activity really led to us using our words!
The other activity this afternoon was Orientation, where we needed to find the location of a picture taken in the Stubbington grounds. This led us to a code word, which we had to collect in order to crack a hidden code. We really enjoyed using our teamwork and problem solving skills.
Later, after our final team challenge, we returned to the Snuffle Hole to learn that Mr Scarborough's treasure had been stolen by some pirates! We worked in our table groups to cross the Stubbington site and question the various pirates we found hiding around. Eventually, our fantastic detective skills helped lead to the arrest of the guilty pirate - who was literally caught red-handed!
We have had a wonderful couple of days at Stubbington and are looking forward to our final adventure to the beach tomorrow!