Our Attendance Cup
As part of our ongoing attendance reward initiatives, the class with the best weekly attendance is awarded the prestigious attendance cup. At our weekly award assemblies, the children excitedly learn which class is in the lead to win the attendance cup. At the end of each term the class with the best attendance overall for that term is rewarded with some special time of their choice. This might be an afternoon of sports or art activities or a visit in the local area. It is keenly fought each term. Both the cup and termly reward have proved to be a great motivators for each class to be the winning team. It also supports collaboration and encourages the children to be like one of our Learning Heroes, Collaborator!
Attendance Matters! Every School Day Counts.
What is Good Attendance?
Year Group | Entry time to school: | Drop off location: | Leaving time from school: | Pick up location: |
Pre-School | 8.35-8.45am | Pre-School gate on top playground | 3pm | Pre-School gate on top playground |
Year R | 8.35-8.40am | Main playground | 3.05pm | Main playground |
Year 1 | 8.35-8.40am | Top playground | 3.05pm | Top playground |
Year 2 | 8.35-8.40am | Top playground | 3.10pm | Top playground |
Year 3 | 8.35-8.40am | Main playground | 3.10pm | Main playground |
Year 4 | 8.30-8.35am | Main playground | 3.15pm | Main playground |
Year 5 | 8.30-8.35am | Main playground | 3.20pm | Main playground |
Year 6 | 8.30-8.35am | Main playground | 3.25pm | Main playground |
Children who are regularly late will be monitored and a meeting may be arranged with the Headteacher to discuss why. If your child has a problem with late arrival, please contact the school to discuss further so that we can try to resolve any problems.
It is important that children arrive in school on time every day for a number of reasons:
- It is the legal responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that children attend their registered school on time each day.
- If a child is late they miss important information about the day's activities.
- A child who is late will miss school work.
- Children who arrive in good time for registration are able to talk to their friends before school and settle into the school day with them.
- A child who is late disrupts staff and other children and feels unsettled at the start of the day.
Medical & Dental appointments:
Routine appointments should, ideally, be made out of school hours and in school holidays so the absence does not impact on your child's learning.
In other cases, the School Office must be notified of any medical or dental appointments during school hours. The school is required to see evidence of the appointment letter or card prior to the absence so we can take a copy for our records. In these cases, the absence will be marked in the register as an 'M', which is an authorised absence.
If we are not informed, or you do not provide evidence of an appointment, the absence will be marked as unauthorised.