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Norwood Primary School

Norwood Primary & Pre-School


On behalf of The Governing Body I would like to welcome you to Norwood Primary & Pre-School. I have been associated with the school over a number of years, having taught here, worked alongside a past Headteacher and as a governor. The school has high expectations for all and I am proud to be associated with it. The vision of the school is that children are at the heart of all we do, giving each one the best possible foundations in life. The Governors, Headteacher and staff make every decision based on what is best for the children. The school works in partnership with parents and carers through good communication, sharing information, supporting each other and fostering a warm and welcoming environment. 


The Governing Body is committed to making a positive contribution to the school and the education of our children. Our primary role is to support, challenge and monitor by working in close partnership with the Headteacher and  leadership team to promote continuous improvement in the school’s performance and its future development. The Governing Body has a strategic role in shaping the future as well as wide ranging statutory responsibilities.


All governors are volunteers and come from all walks of life with a variety of significant experience and skills including management and financial administration. Each governor is appointed initially for four years. At Norwood we have a good mixture of long standing and newly appointed governors.  The Governing Body has representation from parents, staff, the Local Authority and the community. We meet as a whole team every half term. Each governor also serves on at least one of the committees - Finance and Resources, Buildings and Pay . All governors focus on continuous improvement in teaching and learning. Financial matters, decisions on spending priorities and resourcing the school including staffing is the remit of the Finance and Resources Committee. The Buildings Committee meets when required. In order to be well informed about the school, governors make planned visits to talk to pupils and staff and to look at evidence of actions being taken in line with agreed priorities. Governors attend training sessions to further develop their individual strengths and expertise.


All governor meetings are minuted and are available at the school office.


The Governing Body is determined to do the best for the school. We value the contributions of all the people, including volunteers, who work so hard to ensure children are truly at the heart of the school. We want to hear your views so please do not hesitate to contact me through the school office.


David Ford

Chair of Governors

Norwood Primary & Pre-School