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Norwood Primary School

Norwood Primary & Pre-School

Year 1 (Seuss Class & Briggs Class)

If you child is due to start in Year 1 in September, please see the presentation below.


Welcome to Year 1!


In Seuss Class, our class teacher is Mrs McPhail. Our class email address is


In Briggs Class, our class teacher is Miss Hockham. Our class email address is


We are also supported in our learning by Miss Kenney, Mrs Armitage, Miss Rowe and Miss Happle during the week. 


We currently participate in our indoor and outdoor P.E. sessions on a Friday. We ask that P.E. kits be worn to school every Friday with T-shirt and shorts under your tracksuit.


Polite Notice: Please ensure children only have water in their water bottles for school and that all clothing is labelled. 



The Colour Monster































Key Stage 1 have been using the story of The Colour Monster to help them explain and discuss their feelings.


Please see the link below for further information.

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