Norwood Primary & Pre-School Governing Body
Membership of the Governing Body - 2024/2025
Name | Category | Appointed By | Term of Office | End Date | Committee Membership |
Stephanie Mander Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6 | Headteacher | n/a | n/a | n/a | Finance & HR Buildings & Grounds Pay Policy |
David Ford Chair of Governors Team Leader of the Ministry, Eastleigh Baptist Church Pecuniary Interest nil Attendance: 1/6 | Co-opted (20.04.2023) | GB | 4 years | 19.04.2027 | Finance & HR HT Performance Mgmt Allegations against HT Safeguarding Early Years Maths |
Jinty Williamson Retired Headteacher Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6 | LA | GB | 4 years | 19.04.2026 | Pay Policy Working Party Individual Responsibility Safeguarding Vulnerable groups/SEND/HAT/EAL/ Pupil Premium Humanities PDL/SMSC |
Chris Mason Vice Chair Retired Teacher Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6 | Co-opted | GB | 4 years | 19.04.2026 | Pay Policy Working Party Buildings & Grounds Individual Responsibility Vulnerable Groups/HAT Pupil Premium PE/The Arts(music, drama, dance, art)/German Early Career Teachers |
Sue Curtis LSA/PE Manager Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6 | Staff Governor | Staff | 4 years | 19.04.2026 | Finance & HR Policy Working Party Buildings & Grounds Health & Safety |
Mark Philcox Development Planning Team - HCC Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6 | Co-opted (April 2024) | GB | 4 years | 31.3.2028 | Safeguarding Health & Safety Data Protection Finance & HR Buildings & Grounds Individual Responsibility Early Years |
Tina Campbell Ward Councillor - Central Eastleigh Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6 | Co-opted - (15.02.2022) | GB | 4 years | 14.02.2026 | Buildings & Grounds Headteacher PM Panel Pay Vulnerable Groups STEM(science & design technology) Policy Working Party |
Bruce Tennant Councillor Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6
| Co-opted - (9.01.2024) | GB | 4 years | 8.1.2028 | Finance & HR Headteacher PM Panel Policy Working Party Information Technology
Nicky Rowles Senior Finance Assistant Clerk to the Governing Body Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6 | n/a | GB | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Carol Francis Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 1/6 | Co-opted | GB | 4 years | 15.12.2026 | Finance & HR Buildings & Grounds Policy Working Party DTG English |
Membership of the Governing Body - 2023/2024
Name | Category | Appointed By | Term of Office | End Date | Committee Membership |
Rosemary Diskin Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | Headteacher | n/a | n/a | n/a | Finance & HR Policy Working Party Buildings & Grounds Pay Policy |
Jinty Williamson Chair of Governors Retired Headteacher Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | LA | GB | 4 years | 19.04.2026 | Headteacher PM Panel Pay Policy Working Party Individual Responsibility Safeguarding Vulnerable groups/SEND/HAT/EAL/ Pupil Premium Data Protection Humanities PDL/SMSC |
Chris Mason Vice Chair Retired Teacher Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | Co-opted | GB | 4 years | 19.04.2026 | Headteacher PM Panel Pay Policy Working Party Buildings & Grounds Individual Responsibility Vulnerable Groups/HAT Pupil Premium Forum Rep PE/The Arts(music, drama, dance, art)/German Early Career Teachers |
Sue Curtis LSA/PE Manager Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | Staff Governor | Staff | 4 years | 19.04.2026 | Finance & HR Policy Working Party Buildings & Grounds Health & Safety |
David Ford Team Leader of the Ministry, Eastleigh Baptist Church Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | Co-opted (20.04.2023) | GB | 4 years | 19.04.2027 | HT Performance Mgmt Allegations against HT Early Years Maths |
Mark Philcox Development Planning Team - HCC Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | Co-opted (April 2024) | GB | 4 years | 31.3.2028 | Safeguarding Health & Safety Data Protection Finance & HR Individual Responsibility Early Years |
Tina Campbell Ward Councillor - Central Eastleigh Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | Co-opted - (15.02.2022) | GB | 4 years | 14.02.2026 | Finance & HR Buildings & Grounds Headteacher PM Panel Pay Vulnerable Groups STEM(science & design technology) Policy Working Party |
Bruce Tennant Councillor Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6
| Co-opted - (9.01.2024) | GB | 4 years | 8.1.2028 | Finance & HR Headteacher PM Panel Policy Working Party Information Technology
Nicky Rowles Senior Finance Assistant Clerk to the Governing Body Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | n/a | GB | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Carol Francis Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | Co-opted | GB | 4 years | 15.12.2026 | Finance & HR Buildings & Grounds Policy Working Party DTG English |
Membership of the Governing Body - 2022/2023
Name | Category | Appointed By | Term of Office | End Date | Committee Membership |
Rosemary Diskin Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance:6/6 | Headteacher | n/a | n/a | n/a | Finance & HR Pay Policy Working Party |
Jinty Williamson Chair of Governors Retired Headteacher Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 6/6 | LA | GB | 4 years | Headteacher PM Panel Pay Policy Working Party Individual Responsibility Safeguarding SEND Pupil Premium | |
Chris Mason Vice Chair Retired Teacher Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 6/6 | Co-opted | GB | 4 years | Headteacher PM Panel Pay Policy Working Party Individual Responsibility HAT Pupil Premium R.E. Allegations against HT Forum Rep | |
Sue Curtis LSA/PE Manager Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 5/6 | Staff Governor | Staff | 4 years | Finance & HR Policy Working Party | |
Mark Philcox Development Planning Team - HCC Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 3/6 | Parent | Parents | 4 years | 19.03.2024 | Finance & HR Individual Responsibility Safeguarding Health & Safety Data Protection Early Years |
Tina Campbell Ward Councillor - Central Eastleigh Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 6/6 | Co-opted - 15.2.2022 | GB | 4 years | 15.12.2026 | Finance & HR Headteacher PM Panel Pay Vulnerable Groups Policy Working Party |
Bruce Tennant Councillor Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 4/6 | Co-opted - 23.11.2021 | GB | 4 years | 15.12.2026 | Finance & HR Headteacher PM Panel Policy Working Party |
Carol Francis School Business Manager Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 6/6 | Co-opted (staff) | GB | 4 years | 15.12.2026 | Finance & HR Policy Working Party Individual Responsibility DTG
David Ford Team Leader of the Ministry, Eastleigh Baptist Church Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 2/3 | Co-opted (20.4.2023)
| GB | 4 years | 19.4.2027 | |
Nicky Rowles Senior Finance Officer Clerk to Governing Body Pecuniary Interest: nil Attendance: 6/6
| n/a | GB | n/a | n/a | n/a |