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Norwood Primary School

Norwood Primary & Pre-School

General Pre-School Information



Session Times

We are open from 8.45am – 3pm term time only and will close on INSET days in line with the school. 

At Norwood Primary pre-school we offer 3 different sessions in order to be as flexible as possible for our parents.  The session times are as follows;


Morning Session – 8.45am until 12 noon

Afternoon Session – 12.30pm until 3pm

All Day Session – 8.45am until 3pm


The days available may vary depending on the amount of children in the setting.


Home visits

Each family is offered a home visit prior to children starting at pre-school. This is an important opportunity for the child to get to know the keyworker in familiar surroundings and for parents and carers to provide us with important information about the child that will help us to meet his or her needs. The visits usually last around 15 mins and are informal and relaxed.



Each family is assigned a keyworker from the pre-school staff team who will be responsible for getting to know your child and supporting him/her to settle and support his/her development whilst in pre-school. You are welcome to speak to any member of the staff team but we would recommend that you try to see your child’s keyworker in the first instance.



A Norwood Pre-school sweatshirt can be purchased along with a drawstring bag carrying the Pre-school logo but uniform is not compulsory and children need to wear comfortable clothes that they can move freely in and begin to manage independently. Aprons and overalls are provided but the children also need to be able to get messy! We use the outdoor area daily so appropriate clothing for the weather needs to be worn to pre-school. We ask that parents provide a change of clothes in a named bag each session in case of accidents and spills.

We are fortunate in being able to use the school’s facilities and hold PE sessions for the children in the Nutbeem Hall. The children love to change into their PE kit and this supports their independence and prepares them for YR so we ask parents to provide a pair of shorts and a round-necked T-shirt. Please ensure all clothes are named as clothes can easily get muddled when little ones are changing!


The Pre-school day

The day is structured with plenty of time for play and child initiated activities both inside and outside where the children can pursue their own interests and activities supported by the pre-school staff.

Each day they have snack times in their key worker groups to support their social development and language and communication skills. They will also have small group time activities for short periods which will focus on different areas of the early year’s foundation stage curriculum.

We enjoy whole class story and singing times and opportunities to use the school’s Discovery Centre, hall and playground during the week.



One of the most important elements of early year’s education is supporting each child’s social and emotional development. Young children thrive when routines and expectations are consistent and clear. Norwood Pre-school operates through positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviour, a ‘catch them being good’ philosophy within clear expectations which are based on the 3 simple rules which are made explicit to the children:

Be safe

Be kind

Be helpful.

These rules are part of Norwood’s behaviour policy and continue into YR. We celebrate children’s achievements and development with smiles, cheers, stickers, a WOW board, on Tapestry and in our circle times.


Snack and Lunchtime

Positive attitudes to health and well-being are fostered through snack times during each session where the children are offered a range of nutritious snacks and fruit alongside milk and water. We ask for a contribution of £1.50 per week.


At lunch time the children eat with their friends and the staff team within the setting. They can bring a healthy lunch box from home or choose from a vegetarian or meat option menu which is freshly prepared in the school kitchen at a cost of £2.75 per day.


Lunches can be paid using our online Tucasi system (a log on code will be issued when you join) or cash can be given to any of the Pre School Team.



Children have easy access to the low level toilets within the setting at all times and accidents will be dealt with quickly and quietly in order to minimise distress for the child. Parents are asked to provide spare clothes in case of accidents/spills.

Whilst it is our expectation that your child will be toilet trained before starting in our setting we are aware that young children develop at different rates and some children may still need support to achieve independence. Young children are learning to manage their own physical and hygiene needs in a pre-school setting and the role of the adult is to support and encourage this independence. Please provide wipes and spare pull-ups or nappies if required. A Changing Log is maintained by staff.



In line with good practice and the school’s policy, please do not send your child to pre-school if they have been unwell with sickness, diarrhea or vomiting the night before or on the morning they are due to attend and for 48 hours after the last attack. Germs and viruses spread quickly between young children!

We encourage and support good hygiene and self-care with regular toilet and hand washing routines throughout the day.

If your child is unwell during a pre-school session we will contact you to collect him/her. Please ensure that all contact details are kept up to date.


Records and assessments

Pre-school staff are required to maintain records of each child’s development in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters. This is done through observations of the children as they play and learn in the setting alongside your knowledge and understanding of your child. We use an assessment app called Tapestry in our school which allows us to match observations of each child to the stages of development through photographs and comments. Parents can access and contribute to this secure online record and further information is provided when the children have settled into pre-school.

Regular termly assessments are made and updates of each child’s progress will be shared with the family but you are welcome to talk to your keyworker at any time about how your child is getting on. If you require a longer opportunity to chat things through with your keyworker please ask for a convenient appointment.



We like to take advantage of our local area and community and try to take the children out regularly. We visit places such as Eastleigh Library, the park in Leigh Road, the Market, shops and Eastleigh Baptist church. The children wear hi-viz jackets and there is always a high ratio of adults to children. We use ‘walking rings’ to ensure the children’s safety when walking around and crossing the roads. We talk to the children before every outing about how they must stay safe and our expectations for behaviour while we are out.  Contact details and plans are left in with school office.

Please ensure that your contact details and permissions forms are up to date.



Hourly Charges

Should you require your child to stay at preschool for longer than their funded hours entitlement, the hourly rate is £7.00.  You will receive an invoice for any additional hours at the beginning of the month, for the month in advance


Should you have any further queries at all, please do not hesitate to call us on 02380 322 582 or email