Helping your child to get ready for when they start Year R in Norwood Primary School
Each week we will be uploading some suggestions of things that you might like to practice at home with your child, in order to help prepare them for when they start school in September.
* As part of preparing your child for when they start Year R in September you might want to practice singing simple rhymes and songs together. Through doing this your child will acquire many key skills that will be very useful for when they enter Year R. Try to encourage your child to join in with action and finger rhymes too and see if they can spot any words which rhyme!
These are some of the most popular songs that you might want to try to learn.
Incy Wincy Spider
The Wheels on the Bus
I'm a Little Teapot
Wind the Bobbin Up
Five Little Ducks went Swimming
Five Currant Buns
If You're happy and You Know It
Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Miss Polly had a Dolly
* Here is another idea that you might want to try at home to help prepare your child for when they start Year R in September....
Play games where you and your child and other family members have to take turns. Turn taking sounds very easy to adults but can be quite challenging for young children. By learning how to take turns children develop many skills which help to prepare them for being in a Year R classroom. It is also very good to also practice that your child does not always win the game. As adults it can be very tempting to let young children always be the winner, especially if they struggle with someone else winning. However, it is much better for them to experience that they might sometimes win and that it is also fine for someone else to win.
* As part of the journey of preparing your child for when they start Year R in September encourage your child to help you tidy up. Children often find it easier to be given specific little jobs to do which they can be successful at, this helps them get in to the habit of tidying up!
You might want your child to help you to tidy away their toys when they have finished playing with them, or to help you to put the clean laundry away in their cupboards.
* This week we would like your child to have a go at being able to put on their coat all by themselves. It often helps if children are encouraged to put the hood of their coat on their head first, then try to put arms in the sleeves!
Have a go and try to practice a little every day!
* As part of the exciting journey getting ready to begin Year R in September this week work with your child on recognising their name. Being able to spot their own name really helps a child to settle in to Year R and boosts their self confidence. You might want to write their name and display it around your home and see how many places your child can find it. Or you might want to write their name and see if they can go over in either paint or playdough. Just for your information we write a child's name with a capital letter to begin their name and use lower case letters for the rest of their first name.
Have fun!