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Norwood Primary School

Norwood Primary & Pre-School

Day 2

Today was another busy yet fun day at Stubbington. Fortunately, we were blessed with sunshine for most of the morning before the rain came later! In the morning, Hawke Class began with Shelter building. We had to imagine we were on a tropical desert island and were tasked with constructing a shelter that would keep us safe from animals, as well as keeping us dry. Though the shelters were tested very well by our teachers and their cups of water, we’re pleased to say that most of us remained dry! 

For Gold Class, they bravely battled the fearsome Earthquake obstacle course. Here, they needed to use all their Collaborator powers to collectively pass all the rescue equipment over, around and under the obstacles. It was tough at times but we all managed to challenge ourselves and were proud of our achievements. Some of the equipment was bulky or difficult to move as one person, so our team work shone through. Once we had finished lunch, both classes then switched activities for the afternoon.

We enjoyed a game of BINGO in the Snuffle Hole this evening, after our classroom session of writing postcards - look out for them in the post!


This evening, it was the turn of both classes to visit the hide. As quiet as mice they waited, and were lucky to see badgers and foxes feasting on our leftovers. We are half way through the week and have had so much fun already!