British Science Week
To celebrate British Science Week our children were given the challenge to explore what happens to biscuits when they get wet. Each year group were given a different investigation, some were exploring what happens to the Gingerbread man when he gets wet, others were setting up investigation asking which biscuit was the best to dunk into tea. Year 6 were investigating whether the cost of biscuits make any difference to their dunk ability!
Through the week all the children were developing their scientific skills. They discussed different types of questions they could ask, make predictions based on their thoughts, set up experiments and consider different ways they could collect their results and present their findings.
“I really enjoyed Science Week because we got to measure the biscuits with a ruler and time how long they were in the water for.” (Year 3 child)
“It was fun as it was so different to other Science lessons.” (Year 6 child)