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Norwood Primary School

Norwood Primary & Pre-School

Letter from Mrs. Diskin - 23.6.20

Hello everyone again!


I think the lovely weather is due back this week, let’s hope so!

At this time of year, I usually look forward to watching the tennis at Wimbledon. But, like lots of events this summer, sport has also been put on hold. So, I am sure some of you were happy to see that football has started again last week?


I wonder if any of you have taken up a new sport during lockdown by finding different ways of keeping fit ? We have been trying out different websites each morning, including Joe Wicks, in our effort to keep fit.


We are so sad that we can’t hold our annual Sports Day but are trying to think of ways we can do something related to it, safely, in school. Perhaps you could hold your own Sports Day at home and make a trophy or medals for everyone in the family? Please send us some photos if you do!


Or maybe you have taken up a new hobby? Please email in and tell us what you have discovered you can now do.


In the meantime …

Take care, look after one another, keep smiling & Stay Safe!


Love from Mrs Diskin xx