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Norwood Primary School

Norwood Primary & Pre-School


  • Letter from Mrs. Diskin - 23.6.20

    Tue 23 Jun 2020

    Hello everyone again!


    I think the lovely weather is due back this week, let’s hope so!

    At this time of year, I usually look forward to watching the tennis at Wimbledon. But, like lots of events this summer, sport has also been put on hold. So, I am sure some of you were happy to see that football has started again last week?


    I wonder if any of you have taken up a new sport during lockdown by finding different ways of keeping fit ? We have been trying out different websites each morning, including Joe Wicks, in our effort to keep fit.


    We are so sad that we can’t hold our annual Sports Day but are trying to think of ways we can do something related to it, safely, in school. Perhaps you could hold your own Sports Day at home and make a trophy or medals for everyone in the family? Please send us some photos if you do!


    Or maybe you have taken up a new hobby? Please email in and tell us what you have discovered you can now do.


    In the meantime …

    Take care, look after one another, keep smiling & Stay Safe!


    Love from Mrs Diskin xx

  • Letter from Mrs. Diskin - 16.6.20

    Tue 16 Jun 2020

    Hello everyone again!

    I wonder if you have noticed the way nature has been enjoying a rest from all the pollution from cars and planes and how the lovely, warm sunshine, after months of rain, has been helping everything to grow amazingly quickly?

    Here in school, we have been fascinated to see that the bird box, which we installed on the wall outside the Discovery Centre a couple of years ago, has finally got some visitors making it their home! A family of blue tits has made their nest inside the box and the babies decided it was time to try out their wings last week but one nearly didn’t make it until Mr Marsh rescued him and returned him to his home!                             

    Mrs Blue Tit immediately flew in twittering with gratitude but I expect she was also telling him to be more careful next time!

    Unfortunately, the camera we set up a few years ago to enable us all to watch the bird box live, is no longer working. However, Mrs Francis is working hard to find out if we can get it up and running again so that you can capture the exciting moments from home. 

    We will keep you all posted!

    In the meantime, if you have any lovely photos to share of things you have observed in nature at home, flowers or vegetables growing, animals becoming more confident in visiting your garden etc, please do email them in for your class and staff to share.

    Remember…take care, look after each other, keep smiling & Stay Safe!

    Love from Mrs Diskin xx

  • Letter from Mrs. Diskin

    Tue 09 Jun 2020

    Hello everyone and welcome to the second half of the Summer term!

    I hope this message finds you all still safe and well and a positive and happy half term week was had by all?

    I can’t believe that it is now 11 weeks since we have seen some of you. We miss you so much and I know that you are missing school- your learning, being with your friends and your teachers too, but we are all working hard together to keep everyone safe and that is the most important thing.

                              YOU ARE ALL BEING HEROES TOO! THANK YOU!

    We had a busy week, both in school and with all our home learning heroes, last week!         In school, we welcomed back some of our Yr R children last week and we have done the same with some of our Pre-school children this week. We have planted some bedding plants in the flower boxes on the playground and tidied up and added some shrubs to the Secret Garden so that, when everyone is back, we can all enjoy these areas.

    Children and families have been very busy at home learning and I have seen some fantastic work being completed as well as receiving some lovely photos of fun times you are having! Thank you all for these; it is great to hear what you have been doing and that you are safe, well and making the most out of the situation we all find ourselves in!

    Hopefully see you all very soon.

    In the meantime, take care, look after each other, keep smiling & Stay Safe!


    Love from Mrs Diskin xx

  • Proposed Phased Return to School for Y1 and Y6 Pupils

    Mon 08 Jun 2020

    Please click on the link below for the letter from Mrs. Diskin regarding the proposed return of Y1 and Y6: